

The Student Health Services (SHS) Pharmacy provides prescriptions and over the counter medication services to ECU students and employees. Patients who receive prescriptions from SHS providers are not required to utilize our services, but convenience, generally lower costs, and quality service are benefits to our campus community.

Most of our medications are cheaper than a retail pharmacy if you do not have an insurance plan with a prescription co-pay. Due to low overhead and contract pricing, we can offer medications and over the counter products at a reduced rate. If you have insurance with a prescription co-pay, please ask about our price for your medication and compare it with your insurance co-pay price.

The SHS Pharmacy is located inside of our Main Campus location.

***The Pharmacy now uses the GET app to check banner numbers. To pick up prescriptions or purchase over the counter items, please have the GET app downloaded before stepping to the pharmacy window***

What we offer



Filling, refilling or transferring a prescription


What we offer

Our pharmacy offers prescription services to SHS patients as well as those who have prescriptions written by outside medical offices. Due to limitations of cost, budget, and space, we cannot offer every medication needed by patients. Please call (252) 328-6793 to check and see if we carry your medication.

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with NC General Statues, patients will be required to present one of three forms of identification (state issued drivers license, state DMV identification card, or passport) to receive prescriptions for certain controlled substance medications and over the counter products. Patients who do not have one of the required forms of identification will not be allowed to receive certain medications.

Over The Counter Medications
We offer a wide variety of over the counter items for purchase for cough and cold, pain therapy, fever reduction, health and beauty, etc.

Opioid reversal kits (Narcan/naloxone)
Pirate Safety Kits, sponsored by the Collegiate Recovery Community and ECU SHS, are available free by asking for the kit at the pharmacy window. #GetTheKit

Contraceptive Medications/Emergency Contraception
We offer a wide variety of prescriptive contraceptive options including birth control pills, contraceptive rings, and injections available with a prescription. We also offer Emergency Contraception (the “Morning After Pill”) over the counter.

Our pharmacists can administer selected immunizations by appointment. Need influenza or immunizations for travel? Call us at (252) 328-6841 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Travel Clinic Services
Services for ECU students traveling to foreign countries for brief or extended stays are available. These services include vaccination, medications to protect travelers against disease, education concerning protection of one’s health and safety, and literature emphasizing important recommendations for those traveling abroad. All provided foreign travel services are specific to the traveler’s itinerary, area of travel, and current health.

Students planning trips abroad are advised to seek the advice of travel offices and clinics at least 1 month prior to leaving. Students should call the SHS appointment desk at (252) 328-6841, option 1, and make an appointment for a foreign travel consultation. The appointment secretary will direct the student to online assessment forms which must be filled out prior to the scheduled appointment. For information regarding cost of vaccines or travel medications, students should call the SHS Pharmacy at (252) 328-6793.


ECU students currently enrolled who have paid their tuition and health fee are eligible for services from the SHS Pharmacy. Proper ECU 1Card identification is required to verify eligibility. You must also present your insurance card.

Prescription filling after graduation: Due to anti-trust laws and contract agreements with manufacturers, we cannot fill new prescriptions or grant refills after graduation. If you still have an active prescription at SHS with allowable refills, we can transfer that prescription to a pharmacy of your choice. Please have your pharmacy of choice call (252) 328-6793 to request a prescription transfer.

Prescription filling during the summer: Students are eligible to have your prescriptions filled and refilled at SHS if the student is registered for the fall semester, is in summer school, or has paid the SHS summer fee. Summer fees are collected for those students not enrolled in summer school who may want to use the SHS for medical services.

ECU Employees
Current ECU employees are eligible for services with the SHS pharmacy. Proper ECU 1Card identification as well as department phone number are required to verify employment. We do accept the North Carolina State Health Plan Insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield). Your price will be the same as your plan copay, or, if the medication is cheaper than the copay, you will pay the lowest price. ECU employees must pay by cash, check, or Visa/Mastercard.

Our facility serves as an acute care service and does not commonly stock products for chronic needs due to pricing and budget constraints. For questions or to see if we stock a medication, please speak with a member of the SHS pharmacy staff.

Prescription filling after leaving employment with the university:
Due to anti-trust laws and contract agreements with manufacturers, we cannot fill new prescriptions or grant refills to persons who are no longer employed with the university. If you still have an active prescription at the SHS pharmacy with allowable refills, we can transfer that prescription to a pharmacy of your choice. Please have your pharmacy of choice call (252) 328-6793 to request a prescription transfer.

Prescription filling for 9-month employees:
9-month employees are eligible to have prescriptions filled and refilled at the SHS pharmacy year round.


The SHS Pharmacy accepts insurance from multiple insurance companies as well as from the Student Health Insurance Plan. Payment can be made by Visa/Mastercard, check, cash, or charging to the cashier’s office; we do NOT accept Apple Pay or American Express.

Students must have their pharmacy insurance card or a copy in order for us to correctly fill prescriptions utilizing their insurance prescription benefits. Our pharmacy does not accept all insurance prescription plans.

Student Health Insurance Plan information:

A $15.00 copay will be assessed per prescription or refill per 30 day supply for any prescription medication filled at SHS Pharmacy. Prescriptions are then covered 100% after the $15.00 copay.
Prescription benefits are not subject to pre-existing condition limitations.
Prescriptions filled at outside pharmacies are covered at a higher copay rate than those filled by the SHS Pharmacy. Most pharmacies can process your Student Health Insurance Plan using information found on your insurance card.

If we do not accept your prescription insurance, you may want to check out our price first, before you fill a particular medication. Many times our prices are cheaper than what you would pay for the same medication with your insurance at an outside pharmacy. Know your co-pay for brand and generic so you can compare this price to what our prices are for your medication. We can provide you with a printout of your prescription purchase(s). If you choose, you can self-file a claim to attempt to gain reimbursement from your insurance provider. Just be sure to ask for a medication printout at the same time you pick up your prescription, then contact your insurance company to see how and where to file your claim.

Filling, refilling, or transferring a prescription

Filling or refilling your prescription

Prescriptions are filled on a first-come, first served basis. Exceptions to this procedure are refills, which often are filled more quickly than a new prescription, as well as prescriptions for patients currently being treated by a provider in an exam room or observation bed who need medication quickly.

Out of your medication? If you have refills remaining on your current prescription, give us a call at (252) 328-6793

Having your insurance information readily available will enable pharmacy staff to fill your prescription faster. Delays in processing due to insurance questions, problems need clarification from the ordering provider, etc. may delay prescription filling.

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with NC General Statues, patients will be required to present one of three forms of identification (state issued driver’s license, state DMV identification card, or passport) to receive prescriptions for certain controlled substance medications and over the counter products. Patients who do not have one of the required forms of identification will not be allowed to receive certain medications.

Transferring your prescription

Outside pharmacy prescription: If you currently have a prescription at an outside pharmacy which has refills remaining, you may transfer it to the SHS pharmacy. Please call (252) 328-6793 stating your wish to transfer a prescription. Pharmacy personnel will need to know the phone number of the pharmacy the prescription is currently at, and the prescription number from your bottle or pill pack label.

SHS Prescription: If you currently have a prescription at the SHS pharmacy which has refills remaining, you may have it switched to another pharmacy. Please call the outside pharmacy of your choice and tell them you wish to transfer a prescription from ECU Student Health Service, giving them our phone number (252) 328-6793. It is also helpful to have your prescription number from your SHS pharmacy label on your medication bottle to give to the pharmacy you choose. The prescription number is located directly above your name, and this information makes it easier and quicker for the pharmacy you choose to fill the medication from our records.

Please note: you will be required to arrange for payment at that pharmacy location and pricing will not reflect SHS prices.

Prescriptions Not Picked-Up/Returned to Stock
After two weeks, any filled prescriptions that are not picked up are returned to stock. You will not lose the refill. Federal and state regulations prevent us from reissuing any medication previously dispensed to a patient, therefore any medication picked-up by a patient cannot be returned to the pharmacy for credit.


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