Privacy & Confidentiality

Student Health Services (SHS) respects and preserves the privacy and confidentiality of all patient information.  Information whether written, spoken, recorded electronically, or printed will receive the highest level of confidentiality.

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For Parents and Guardians

At East Carolina University we are committed to protecting our patients’ privacy and maintaining our organization’s security of information. At SHS, we continue to comply with state and federal regulations. We strive to maintain the confidentiality, security, and integrity of our patients’ health information.

Please see East Carolina University Student Health Services’ Notice of Privacy Practices.

We know that you are very busy but that you also are very interested in your student’s health. Although parents often feel it’s unfair, we are unable to discuss information relating to a student’s health care–including appointments, billing, provider visits, lab test results, etc. Except in life threatening emergencies, or unless required by federal, state, or local law(s), your student’s health information will not be disclosed without the student’s authorization.

On occasion, SHS receives telephone calls from parents about students’ medical care.  Our health care providers are unable to disclose or discuss any medical information without the student’s verbal or written permission. In certain medical situations, SHS is also unable to disclose medical information regarding a minor.

Student health information is governed by North Carolina State laws,
HIPAA laws.

FERPA Permissions

FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974) guarantees certain rights to students.  A couple of these rights are:  the right to inspect and review their educational records, the right to seek to amend their educational records, and the right to limit the disclosure of their educational records.

East Carolina University can only provide confidential information about a student to a third party when the student grants FERPA permissions (accessed from his/her OneStop), and as long as the parent/guardian presents tax information demonstrating the student is claimed as a dependent. Granting FERPA permissions only authorizes ECU to share information related to the student’s academic, judicial, and/or financial records (to a third party). FERPA permissions does not permit ECU, or specifically Student Health Service, to release any medical or health information about a student/patient. 

Student Authorization for Disclosure

SHS may disclose health information to a third party when the student authorizes us to do so.   Please complete the Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information. The form may be mailed back to SHS following the instructions on the form. It may also be faxed back to (252) 328-0462. Records will be available or mailed/faxed from SHS within three working days under normal circumstances; please note, charges for records may apply when the records are released to a patient for personal use.