Submitting Records

If completed immunization records are not received by
September 2 for fall / January 21 for spring, a $100 Immunization Administrative Fee will be applied to the student’s cashier account.

Acceptable records of immunizations may be obtained from any of the following:

  • High school transcript/records: Your immunization records do not transfer automatically. You must request a copy.
  • Personal shot records: Must be verified by a doctor’s stamp or signature or by a clinic or health department stamp.
  • Local health department records or state immunization registry records
  • Military records or WHO (World Health Organization) documents
  • Previous college or university transcript/records: Your immunization records do not transfer automatically. You must request a copy.
  • Completed Immunization Record signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. Please note: This form is not required if you have records from the above listed sources.
  • Students who currently or have previously lived outside of North Carolina MAY have records in VeriVax, a multistate database. To check for records, students should log in to myPIRATEchart, choose the Main Campus Clinic, select “Immunizations” and then click the blue box “Electronically Request My Immunization Records”.
    Please note: North Carolina immunization records are not available via VeriVax. 

Submitting records:

  • Student Health Service will not accept mailed/faxed/emailed records; all records must be uploaded through myPIRATEchart.
  • All immunization records are required to be submitted in, or translated into, English
  • Include your FULL NAME and ECU BANNER ID# on all pages of your documents
  • If you submitted your immunization records along with your application or academic transcripts to the Admissions office, they will not be transferred to Student Health. Immunization records must be uploaded directly to Student Health Services.
  • Health Science Students: Your program will require a copy of your immunization record. It is your responsibility to provide your program with this information. You will need to keep a copy of your records to forward to your program; Student Health Service will not automatically forward this information to your program.

Please give our office 1-2 weeks to enter in submitted immunization records. Students will receive e-mailed notifications to their ECU e-mail account stating either non-compliance, or that records are complete and verified. To view or print their ECU immunization record, students can log onto myPIRATEchart.